Rich Yoder
Full-Time Occupation:
Yoder's Electrical Service
Self-Employed Electrical Contractor since 2006
Work Phone: 484-824-2946
"I have been infatuated by all types of outdoor sports since I was very young. I could just never get enough hunting, shooting, and fishing. I started to get involved in local outdoors groups which consequently led to promoting larger companies. Working with these companies has allowed me to pass on my personal knowledge, while promoting their products to the fullest. Between shooting, hunting and fishing, doing trade shows and seminars, I have the best of both worlds: the opportunity to travel all while getting the chance to meet and interact with new people along the way. Throughout the years of success in my travels and adventures, I hope to pass on my knowledge through companies I represent. Being able to educate newcomers and young sportsmen has become one of the best parts of the journey." Rich Yoder